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Ladders and I don't have a great relationship. A few times the situation has gotten down right hostile with me always on the losing end. This has occasionally involved hospitals X rays and casts so you can imagine I wasn't thrilled abotu hauling the new cabin sole up 12 feet of slippery aluminum last night, but I did.
The biggest board is 8 feet long and three feet wide. There are 17 other pieces of various sizes and weights. All had to be lugged up using one hand while I hung on for dear life with the other. I managed, but managing involved several curse words and much sweating. Upon completion, I drank. Then it snowed.
Tonight the plan is to take another load down, maybe cushions. Then maybe I'll clean sone and put some of the floor back in. A captains work is never done. I need to take a ride back to Connecticut later in the week to pick up halyards and sails. I'm thinking of calling in well on Friday.
Work is work... I shipped for what for me was a record last week, almost 150 K vs a forecast of 85 K. Not bad... A few more of those and I'll be caught up... until the next crunch...
So how are you today? Well I hope... Let me know OK?

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