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A trip to the toy store...

Well, dispite the snow and ice, I'm in full get the damn boat ready mode. I went to the not so local marine discount store in the wilds of Waterford CT and spent mucho boat units on line and hardware. it was just stuff that needed to get done. The new cabin sole is now complete and ready to be installed.
I put the batteries in yesterday and managed to slip on the non-floor and bash my face. I didn't break my nose, but I came close enough that it bled quite profusely and M.E. wanted to take me to the hospital when she saw it. I recovered... The new instruments are sealed with goop and mounted into the new black lexan mounting pad. All the boat parts have been pulled from storage and are now filling the basement. A load a day will be my mantra... Oh yeah, I also lost the lock. I pretty much do it every year. Maybe it fell in the snow, maybe it ended up in the bilge. Either way, I need a new one. Fun, fun, fun...
Two weeks till splash. I'm betting I'm the only one ready and I will be ready damn it... Happy Monday,

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