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Strange brew...

If you are a serious runner, don't read this OK and if you do go on, promise not to snicker.. I had a personal best yesterday for 5K, 32 minutes. I know that sounds slow. It is slow, but I don't think it's bad for an old dude with arthritis and suspect lungs who never even ran a mile in his life until this year. It was two minutes faster than the race we ran in November. I finished 5 miles in just under an hour too and felt pretty good afterward.
So I celebrated by cutting up very expensive wood for a new cabin sole and then hit the club for a glass O grapes or two. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.
My coffee tasted a little lemon Dawny this morning so I stopped drinking it. I might have to make a roady to get a replacement. It's just up the street so I think I can manage. I hope there are no after effects. Soap can cause interesting things to happen to ones system.
It looks to be a busy week here at work but a quiet week on the home front. That's fine with me. Four local fishermen are missing and presumed dead. The ocean in the winter is not a good place to be. And life goes on.

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