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It keeps you running......

I came home last night determined to get my tredmill work in so of couse M.E. was using it when I got home. Still I changed into my sweats and waited her out. I'd had a tough ride home and I just needed to get the stress out, you know?
I'm never going to be a good runner. My lungs aren't great, my shoulders are too wide, my legs too short. I don't have good form and I'm just not built for it, but I do give it my best effort most of the time. Last night I hit a new inside best, just a little slower than my best 5K time so I was happy.
I got to that point, somewhere around 4 miles where I could feel the endorphins kick in. That's a good and bad thing. It makes the last mile easy to do, but when I get to that point, I ALWAYS have trouble sleeping and so I did.
The weekend is full. We have a game tonight in the big city, a Christmas party tomorrow and then I have all the fam over to my house for a full sit down dinner on Sunday. Monday? It's off to the sisters house. Much food and drink will be consumed. If I cazn stay even through all of this I'll be happy. We'll see....
I'm not sure how often I'll get on between now and Tuesday so let me wish you all a very Merry and stress free Christmas. I hope Santa brings you everything you're looking for and of course (to quote Sandra Bullock) world peace.

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