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And I'm gonna go out walking.....

I was still pretty wound up when I got home last night. It must have showed because M.E. asked what was wrong. I explained as I put on my sneakers and headed out the door for a 4 mile power walk. It helped...
My walk terminated at the Club and I decided to have a grapes. Of course our new cute (airhead) bartender was goofing off as per normal and I waited a goodly while for her to appear. She was having dinner. I hope she enjoyed it.
I finally got served and walked out to the deck just in time to see M.E and puppy pull up. Oops, I guess she was calling the cell but I didn't hear it because it was in my coat pocket and I wasn't wearing the coat. She got nervous and went looking for me even though I told her I'd call her when I needed a ride. Note: These days, there is enough sun to get to the sidewalked area when I leave, but it gets dark so early and there are no lights on a good stretch of the early part of the trip so walking home is not an option...
Soooo, I had to dive back into the bar and grab a plastic cup. Since puppy had the co-pilots seat, I sat in the back a la driving Miss Daisy. I did not swear. Puppy loves the car and not so secretly wishes we'd let him drive.
I dreamt of food all last night, lots and lots of food. Freaking diets... I have lost 15 pounds though... a whole bowling ball worth. A few people have noticed, but in the past I don't usualy get a lot of comments until I hit -20... Hopefully another three weeks. I broke the 100 mile mark yesterday in my walking plan... It took 4 1/2 weeks to do it. My legs feel great and the weekend looks promising... We'll see...
Happy Friday folks. Pray that I survive today withoug blowing my cork and life will be good.

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