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I am mad enough to spit nails. A week ago, one of the project coordinators shows up at my desk, unannounced with some guy in tow. I�ve never met him before. It is three minutes before the state of a huge company meeting; The state of the state kind of thing. I�m making my departments presentation for the first time as my boss is gone for the day. The guy asks some questions. I give some answers, but have to cut him short. The entire production and engineering management staff is waiting for me. I excuse myself apologize and leave. I later find out the guy is a VP in the Georgia office. OK, c�est la vie.
The about a month ago I get an order for a job for an October install. It has locating which you don�t need to know about, but it involves putting electronic dots on maps. I don�t have maps. I make noise� I ask for maps. I plead for maps. The job finally has to ship so we ship it without maps. I note this on my release.
This brings us to today. I get an email from the product coordinator asking why there were no dots. I refresh her memory, no maps. What follows is a scathing email from a regional VP who starts by berating me for blowing him off, then accuses me of being lazy and incompetent and says he fired the last guy he had that performed the way I did. Interesting�
See all the folks here who actually work for a living think I�m doing a good job. They know I work hard, take on extra stuff and try to fix things. We had a RECORD month last month, a freaking record and we're keeping things together with spit and bailing wire... But, I guess they were all wrong because some guy who met me for maybe a minute has seen through all that and discovered my secret� I�m an incompetent who should be fired� Well, actually, no� I work my butt off and am damn good at what I do, so I am ROYALLY PISSED. Twenty years ago I would have told him FU and quit. I really would have. Today I wrote an email that I didn�t send and talked to my boss who talked to his boss, who talked to his boss. The company doesn�t want to make waves. There is work from corporate coming down the pipe and they want everything to look smooth. I won�t get an apology; I get a pat on the head from the folks here and am being told not to worry. Everybody understands�. Well I don�t, and maybe neither will they�
See, their timing is a bit off� I have somebody else knocking on the door. Me pulling the plug here will mess things up royally and I�d feel bad about that, but when you let a VP go off like that and don�t say anything, even if you know it�s wrong� well�.
Maybe I�ll cool down. Maybe�.

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