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Can I get a Yee Haw...

There are things in life that we do because of what they mean to others, dispite how disagreeable they might be. Some things you just have to do, because... Saturday night was one of those occasions. What could be so bad you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I had to go to a barn dance.
Now even though I sort of live in the country, I don't make it a general practice to hang around in people's barns. This one was on the outskirts of Boston, a goodly hour plus commute which made the situation even worse, but I didn't complain, loaded up a jug O red and hit the road.
First of all, it was in a real barn. While I didn't see any horse poop or bales of hay, there were signs that these things had resised there in the not too distant past. I tried to restrain my allergies and make small talk all the while our hosts, exorted us to do disgusting things like sashay and doe si doe. CaptainRon does NOT doe si doe but apparently quite a few other people do. I also got my years quota of fiddle music in there, so now I've got that covered.
I managed to survive three hours with out getting my HO down and may have set a speed record for getting out of Dodge. I hope this built up some pretty good points with M.E.
Hope you had a good weekend.

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