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Birthday state of the state

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me... Ok, that's enough of that. We all know the words. Another year older and deeper in well, nevermind...
I actually have high hopes for this year. We'll see. The money situation could be better, but hey I probably could have said that for most of the years of my existance.
Healthwise, there are lots of aches and pains too many medications and the need to lose a few pounds (OK, maybe more than a few...) but on the whole things could be a lot worse.
Satsfaction wise, no complaints. The house is coming along, the boat ready and in a slip, the job satisfying, the summer full of potential. Oh yeah how could I forget, no yelling....
Best and most important of all, I have some great friends (yes, I'm including you silly) who've been there when I needed them. I hope someday I can repay the favor.
Tonight I get to pick where we go to dinner and I have absolutely no idea. Ames? Golf? Any suggestions? I'd liek to go somewhere different, but not too different if you know what I mean. I'm going to have to give that one some thought.
The forecast for Tampa is 85 and sunny. I'm going to pack light. It's been a while since I flew. And life goes on.
Happy Birthday Thursday.
Later, me

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