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Just a quick note to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. The stress of taking over my duties as well as his own have driven Yeller to new lows. I'm kind of hoping that today is my last day. I've had a few interviews and have at least one second one scheduled. The drive will be miserable. Beggars can not be choosers.
I'm going to try to get the boat bottom painted this weekend.
I'm drinking too much to combat the stress. Don't get me wrong, I never drink to the point of being drunk or really even tipsy, but the wine glass seems to evaporate awful quickly these days. Maybe it is the weather?
Todays interview would be managing the production of a major local newspaper. The job seems neat. The pay is wonderful. The hours 8pm to 4 am would suck. I'm going any ways just because. And life goes on.

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