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They got a name for the winners in the world.....

Extra dock lines and fenders have been added. I tied up the mainsail cover so it won't flap. The bilge is dry, the temp below a toasty 72 and the beer is cold. Why the last is important, I'm not sure, but some how it keeps things in balance.
We are expecting 3 inches or so of rain and gusts topping 60+ from the northeast. Things will be rough on the docks, but baring any unseen calamities the boat should be fine. I'm more concerned about the half of a tree that could crash into the house. It was supposed to be cut down and yet it still dangles... The damage caused by the other half is a silent reminder of what one of those things weighs and th emomentum that can be built up when they decide to go boom. Ugh...
While doing my boat storm prep work, I some how managed to leave my cell phone at the bar and so had to make a return trip. As is the ususal, my timing was perfect. Tim the tooth dude had just called Roger to ask him to retie his boat. Roger didn't want to go out on the end docks alone in the wind and rain so I was drafted. Of course I went and of course it started to pour the minute we walked out the door. Timing is everything in life.
At work, things are iffy... I shipped a record amount of product this week. A good thing. We can use the money. The downside? I now have less than two weeks of work remaining in the schedule. Unless we get a big order or two soon, we are going to have to start letting people go and soon... :-(
I've never been good at that.... I'm a good person to work for most of the time. I care about my folks. I'll try to buffer this and put it off for as long as I can, build some inventory... Blah....
I saw the results of a weird hit and run yesterday. Somebody hit a guy in a wheelchair and then left him in the street about 15 feet from his chair. It was right next to the local not so upscale high school. I didn't see anything on the news about it, but figure it was a kid who did it and paniced. Of course it could have just been some regular garden variety idiot too... Sometimes it makes me wonder about people.
It is still dark, but I can hear the rain and wind saweeping against the building. Gloomy is a good word for today. The bulk of the storm will be from 8:00 to 3:00. Please keep your fingers crossed.

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