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Strawberry Short takes....

The bright sunshine blinding me through the window is just a tease. The weather woman (who looks to be 16 by the way) says 4 to 5 more inches of rain Saturday night through Sunday. Not good.... Things are still a mess here from all the rain we've had the last two weeks. We're still drying out. Damn... (in more ways than one).
I had planned to sail Sunday if the weather was nice. Oh well, plan B. Is there a plan B? Not at this juncture. Maybe I'll update the resume. I think I'll stick it out here at least through the holidays. Then we will reevaluate. And life goes on.
There are only 4 weeks left of work in my schedule. If no other orders coem in, things may be decided for me. Nobody here seems worried except for me. Me? I'm always worried.
I put the charger on the battery for the boat TV last night and turned on the heat too to dry things out. I'll have to remember to get there tonight to turn off the first and check on the second.
Congrats to Trish and the "girls" for raising money for a good cause. Even without them, Trish could charm a dog off a meat wagon.
I haven't plugged in the flooded VCR yet. I guess I'll wait until the dehumidifier stops running. That may be January if it ever does....
It is supposed to be in the 30's tonight. I guess I'll have to turn on the heat... Damn... The price of oil this winter scares me a bit but there isn't a damn thing I can do about it so....
I think I'll try and get to see my brother tonight in the hospital. I've got to convince mom to move him out of there before they kill him. He now has two raging infections, one from each operation. They brought in another specialist. I'm thinking they need to bring in another hospital.
Old Yeller is kind of quiet this morning. I wonder how long it will be before he erupts? Like Old Faithful, I know he will and when it starts flowing, it well, flows...
Happy Thursday world.

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