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There a hole in the budget dear Liza, dear Liza....

Stress, stress, stress..... We were supposed to ship $130,000 this week. We shipped $49,000. This is not going to be happy news to the owner. He doesn't like the bearer of bad news and is not a good listener. This is not a great combination.
We did some time studies. We just don't have the people to do the numbers we are trying to push out. How did they do it before? Nobody knows. Magic? Miracles? Perhaps the guy I replaced was the Messiah? Or at least the desainted ST Christopher?
I left last night with a ache in my chest and a stomach full of acid. Not much sleep was put into the system lasst night. This afternoon should be great. I just rescheduled about $80,000 of product into next week. Fortunately it was an open week. What do I do the week after? Punt?
I would have liked to get in a sail last night to ease a bit of stress, but by the time I got home from here, it was already getting dark. Sweet... The Sox are not helping my situation. Grrrr....
Oh and on top of all this, I leave half a day on Thursday for the drive to no where. God, just shoot me now. I can see why people do drugs. Is it time to go home yet?

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