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Going and coming and coming and going, and always too soon.....

I was so tired last night that I turned off a ballgame that was tied up in extra innings. I missed a dramatic game winning home run by Big Papi. ZZZZZzzzzz.....
You would have thought that this being all practical and crap would have left me all bright eyed and busy tailed this morning. The truth? Not so much. I'm tired and cranky and could really use a nap. Instead I'm guzzling coffee like there is no tomorrow and hoping it won't make my stomach go tilt. Ahh, wouldn't you love to be me.
Sometimes writing here is fun, but lots of times lately it seems more like a chore. I wonder at times if there really is anybody out there, but wonder more if I really have anything worth while to say. Most often, like today, I don't I guess.
I'd sort of appreciate it if at some point in your busy day, you'd leave a note or comment on why you come here. It doesn't have to be anything long or fancy. Just something to help me in my evaluation of where I'm going (or not going) with this.
Thanks and Happy Tuesday,

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