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Falling short?

It feels like fall. The days are already getting shorter and the nights cold. Except for the shorter days, it's not so bad. I like fall. It's what comes after that worries me. $3 a gallon heating oil may have us living in coats and blankets as a normal thing. Blah...
Somehow, dispite the new job I cannot catch up on the bills. I know the gasoline price increases have been a good size hit. The extra tax money we're taking out to make up for the taxes I didn't pay on my unemployment are also a factor I guess, but there still is a hole some place. Maybe it is always like this at this time of year and I don't remember? Maybe...
We still found a way to send a check to the Red Cross though. It came out of the Christmas fund. What better gift to send, right? Even if the gifts to the family are smaller this year, hopefully they will understand.
Rhode 1sland is taking 500 people and setting them up in beautiful refurbished surplus govenment housing. Nice apartments. I hope they can find jobs though.... And moving from Nawlins to the New England winters, well....
The more I read and hear, the more I wonder if the mayor of New Orleans will stay out of his own jail. Did he ever read his own emergency plan? Hello, it called for the Superdome to be a primary shelter and to be stocked with food, water and cots and yet some how it wasn't. It called for the poorer neighborhoods to be evacuated using the cities several hundred school busses, and yet they sat and because of that, thousands of people died. You can blame who you want for the slow response after, but it was the cities responsibility to get those people out BEFORE and they not only failed, they never even tried. Sad...
I wonder how many people will never go back? Some exprets say that a good chunk of the city will never be safe and should be abandoned. Sections of it sink two inches a year. Not good.
The news last night showed a lot of people who were given the chance to leave, but won't go. It takes all kinds I guess. At least the water is going down. I wouldn't want to be doing the house to house searches. Not for all the money in the world.
The head of FEMA has that deer in the headlights look. He also looks like he hasn't slept in a month. My guess is he'll be fired too soon. Too many people want his head on a plate. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...
Why are short weeks always the toughest?

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