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Oooooo 12.7 volts

No much exciting going on in my life right now, bur not alot of drama either so there really isn't any reason to complain. So I won't. We had a boring family reunion to go to at Scarborough on Saturday. The ocean was full of seaweed and it looked nasty. I'm glad I wasn't in there. Everybody who did go in was covered in the stuff.
The alternator on the boat is fixed and we sat out in the sun yesterday sipping wine and running the engine just to watch the voltage go up in the batteries. We really know how to live, don't we?
The local boat mega-store was having a big sale and we bought two fold up seats for 50% off. Score... The cockpit in the boat doesn't have great back support when the boat is level and this fixed the problem nicely... They even match our decor... Sweet.
We had a good bit of thunderstorms last night and it is very much cooler and dryer today. The forecast for the week said almost fall like. I love the fall so I'm not disapointed.
Well nothing interesting to say so I guess I'll sign off.
Happy Monday,

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