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Licquor in the front, poker in the rear...

I was just sitting here minding my own business when I realized the tune running through my head was a commercial for a local welding supply company. Let Affco deliver, let Affco come through... Welding Supplies? What is up with that? I think I may be losing it.
I had a dream about the licquor store last night. I worked there part time a long, long time ago. It was right after my brother drowned and during the time my dad was dying of cancer. It wasn't that I needed the money, it was because I just had too much time to think and I needed not too so working a second job filled space that needed to be filled.
It was a small neighborhood place and I knew all the regulars. Of course a lot of them were drunks, but they were almost always very nice to me. I held the keys to the booze. You don't mess with that. There were times when I felt like the bartender at Cheers. Everybody came in with their problems and I was suppose to fix them. Sometimes I did, other times it was Jack Daniels.
I met the evil ex there. It was right after she went flying through a windshield and was left for dead on the sidewalk by a very caring ex boyfriend. They were both stoned and drunk and it is lucky either of them survived.
There were two seperate instances where I was the last person to see somebody before they killed themselves. One was cyanide, the other a shotgun. Both wanted me to go out and party with them after work and both times I said no because I had to get up early the next day and go to my real job building submarines. I've often wondered if I had gone, would things have turned out different? The best I can figurem the answer is maybe...
I only had to call the cops once. A drunk from the bar next door threatened me with a knife for telling him he couldn't park in front of my door. I guess he didn't see the 20 signs that said "Parking for Store customers only". His friends knew he was drunk and tried to calm him down. The police eventually did I guess...
I eventually got canned the week of my dads funeral because the owner had a friend who needed a job. What a loyal and caring individual. Can you tell he was a prominent local politician?
I'm not sure why all that came up last night. It must have been the strawberries I ate before going to bed or maybe it was and email I got mentioning a local watering hole. It's weird how much we float through life and major life changing events and relationships happen just because you happen to be in a certain place at the right or wrong time. I guess we more often than not are just carried by the tides of the things that happen around us rather than actively making things happen. Ok that's enough of that. Back to work.
Happy Friday all

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