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Back to the salt mines...

We didn't go sailing last night. All the batteries on board were flat. It has to be a problem with the charging system on the boat because we motored enough at the air show on Sunday to have them up at full charge. Now they are sitting in my garage on chargers. Blah...
I am going to accept one of the jobs in about 15 minutes. It isn't my favorite, but it is the one with the most earning potential, both short and long term. It won't be as free or as fun as one of the other places, and the work will be harder, but... I hope I'm doing the right thing.
It will be weird. I start Monday, work for a week and then they have two weeks shutdown for July. Then I work two more weeks and we take off for a weeks vacation... I guess it will give me a chance to break in slowly.
Thanks for those of you who left notes or signings, thanks, thanks, thanks...
I got the check to fix the boat. It is about half of what I need for a full paint job. I'm going to ask the YC to pony up the rest. It's a long shot but we'll see...
Well off to commit myself.

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