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Pretzel Logic......

Well, no feedback on my quiting the worst volunteer job on the planet yesterday so I imagine everybody on the board is just nodding their heads and wondering where they can get somebody stupid enough to replace me. Hell who wouldn't want a job that comes with absolutely no benefits (not even a vote) and yet involves being yelled and threatened constantly? I'm sure they will be lining up at the door.
I may have mentioned this before, but if I have please forgive me, but the local metropolis has decided that our trash pick up and recycling will be more efficient if they automate the pick up process. To do this they replaced my cute little green and blue bins that were perfect for a week or twos worth of stuff with these huge things on wheels that probably could be used to smuggle in four or five illegal aliens at a time.
Seriously, I will probably only have to take out the cans and bottles once every six months, these things are enormous. Unfortunately now the paper will be picked up one week and the bottles and cans the next so I will undoubtly get it wrong. Just what I need in my life, one more thing to keep straight, which day is paper, which cans. At least regular trash gets picked up every week. It will be hard to mess that up.
The rules say have to leave these containers on the side of the road exactly where the city left them originally. I am interested to see what happens this winter when it snows. Hello, people, have you heard of snow right? This is New England. and with snow comes, yes, you guessed it, plows. And where do they plow you ask? Well thank you for asking. I'll tell you where, right through the spot where the trash containers are now to be placed. Intertesting...
I'm thinking that either the city will, a: make snow illegal on trash pick up days, b: Plow only the half width of road that will be left over(saving more money perhaps) or 3: there will be a buttload of trash, bottles and huge plastic bins in a colorful display plowed up on folks lawns. I'm glad the city as usual thought this through.
Puppy has a boo boo. I think a bit of tick got stuck in his face and sort of got infected and he keeps licking off the Ne0sporin. I tried to explain that Ne0sporin is good for him on the outside, but no so much on the inside. He has yet to be convinced.
M.E. is on call this weekend and tomorrow they are calling for rain. The Roncast is for boring followed by sleep. Blah... Hopefully I'll get to sail Sunday.
Well I guess I'll clean up and go do the grocery shopping. We do stores her in Little Rhody. In certain places we also park our cars side by each. Don't you wish you were us? I knew it.
Have a great weekend.

PS only 5 days until I hit one of those birthdays with an 0 in it. Just what I needed.

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