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One step forward, two steps back

Well, part of my dream/premonition (see previous entry) was true. I did get news today about a job. It was the one I didn't want and was sure I was going to get... There was a rejection letter in the mail. Not even the dignity of a phone call. Sigh...
There also was a letter from the Ct Dept of Employment saying that the letter they sent me telling me I was elligible for extra benefits because my job went to China was mostly a lie. They will help if I need more training or wish to move, but besides that I am on my own. Apparently I needed to work a few more hours in their esteemed state to qualify. When it rains...
A third letter acknowledged the receipt of my resume. it is under review, don't call us, we'll call you.
This has to change sometime, right? Yes I do need a drink...

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