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I can see for miles and miles.......

Well, things are looking up at least a little. After a day of serious fog, we had rain all day today, but temps that hit 60 for a bit. The wind is blowing enough to blow the dog off the cahin, but fortunately he is lazy and laying on the bed so it really isn't a problem. I've always hated fog but things are clearing up in more ways than one. This is a good thing.
I survived the second round of phone interviews at the company in Mass and they want me in next Thursday for up close and personal stuff. So far it looks really good. I also passed the first round of interviews at a company in Providence. I also have a company in Pawtucket that will call next week. The executive position right up the street is also still in play so I am really not considering the temp thing I was offered for now. Later we'll see but it is the first time I've been optimistic for a while. Somebody has to make an offer out of all that, right? RIGHT?????? Sigh, yeah, I know....
I got a note from my bestest west coast friend Robin and that always makes me smile. I thought I lost her there for a while. Thanks for hanging in, I know it hasn't been the easiest but you are most certainly worth it for me to be friends with, I hope I give enough back to return the favor. Besides, who else are you going to share dead fish relays and tugboat races with? And hugs....
I bought way too much food today. I always do when money is tight. Maybe it is my selfconsious trying to save us from potential starving? $160 is way too much though even for me. Blah...
Tonight we get together to decide what food and drink to order for out trip to the BVI's. We need to order less food than we think and more drink if past trips and experience with these folks is any indication. We bought hats for everybody at the boat show that say BVI's 2005 cruise for the crew. God, I hope I have a job before all this comes down.
I hope life is treating you folks well. Thanks Amy, Meg and Ms Moo for leaving notes. They do brighten my day. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

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