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Hapiness is a warm dog

Well, not the best of turkey days. I was just coughing too much and feeling too lousy to risk spreading plague throughout the clan so I stayed home. I am most assuredly on moms shit list sigh... Of course M.E. got called into work so puppy and I are flying solo again. Blah... I love the holidays.
One of the things I am thankful for is that I had the foresight to buy a smoked turkey from one of the guys at the club for $15. It was wonderful last night and I'm sure it will be again tonight if I can taste anything. Still it was nice not having to cook and still having leftovers.
It's almost time for the cough medicine with the codine in it. Yea. Pretty pathetic when that's what you have to look forward to on a holiday, huh?
Blah...That all just sounds depressing. There are a alot of people in the world who are sicker than me, broker than me and that don't have the loving friends (including you guys) and family that I do. I do believe what goes around comes around so sooner or later my time will come. I just have to be patient and hope it happens
sometime in this lifetime :-)
I hope all you folks had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you ate so much turkey and pie that you are crashed out on the couch as we speak. I'm going back to bed. Puppy is waiting for somebody to keep him company too. And so I will.

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