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Is it starve a cold or........

I have my first cold of the season. Being on the immunosurpressants doesn't help I guess. I won't go into the details, you know what cold symptoms are. Pretend I listed them here and the go awwww.... The good news? At least I'm not missing work, right?
I accomplised little yesterday and I suspect that the remainder of the week will be similar. I had chicken soup twice yesterday. That should help right? Puppy makes the best heating pad. He likes to sleep with his back up against mine when just the two of us are here. Good puppy.
M.E. has sent all of our financial info to her financial planner. At this point we have no finances, so I don't see the point, but i know better than to argue. I might win the battle, but...
I can't warm up. It is cold, gray and rainy out. I think I'll try and nap.
Happy Monday?

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