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It ain't me babe....

You know it is going to be a bad morning, when you have a whole tremendously entertaining entry written and stupid DLand goes tilt just as you push send. Blah....
You know it is going to be a bad morning when you answer the 9:00 daily phonecall from M.E. with a resounding "Hello Cupcake" and the very not M.E. voice on the other end says, "this is NOT Cupcake". Oops...
At least it was a woman and not one of my local officers from the FOP looking for donations. You could get a reputation you know... Not that there is anything wrong with that.
The woman who was not M.E. turned out to be a headhunter from a temp agency looking for Engineers to do contract work at what was a slightly over a"do you want fries with that" wage. Gee no benefits and no money, sure, when do I start? I politely told her I was not that desperate yet, yet.... but in the future I certainly might be so please keep me on file. Sad...
I have this private suspision that all the resumes I have been sending out all end up in the same room where they are shredded and used to provide heat for the hot tub of the people who keep taking my jobs away. Maybe I should start using toxic ink, just in case?
I haven't been in the mood to exercise all week. I have to break this cycle because if I don't in addition to being unemployed, I'll end up a fat tub of goo on one of those reality shows like Biggest L0ser. After watching this um show my suggestion is give them all an award now (they certainly have earned it) and just call it a day. Biggest LOser? You all qualify, here's your donut. Goodnight!
Speaking of losing, we have been fighting a losing battle with the squrrels in my yard who have grown squrrely obese off the bird seed M.E. puts in the feeders. If there was a Biggest L0ser for squirrels on Anima1 P1anet, my squrrels would all be candidates. They look like big gray cats with furry tails.
Well M.E. bought what might be the first in history squrrel proof bird feeder that actually works. She got it at the big Boston Crap Show last week.
Inspired by this accomplishment, I was inspired to rig up my own McGiverish contraption from previous bird feeder componants, a few boat parts, some household junk and of course several yards of duct tape. It might be hard to believe but so far it is working. The birds are happy, the squrrels are not. I'd post a picture of it here, but I think the squrrels might be reading and I don't want to give them any ideas.
Arnold the pig seems to have moved on. There goes my idea for a remake of Green Acres. M.E. would have made a great Ava Gabor too. Easy come, easy go.
Well I guess I'm off to take on corporate America (or maybe not). Happy Wednesday world and keep your eyes out for very angry obese squrrels. OK Cupcake?

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