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It makes no sense to me

I don't get it. Maybe somebody here can explain it to me please. I some friends here, nice people, sweet, caring, smart. If you asked them before today how the last year went, they'd probably say it was one of the better years of their lives. The personal relationship thing was going great, job, couldn't be better. Friends, always there for support, not much more to be asked on that front. Money could always be better, but hey, you can't have everything right? We're all getting by, what more can you ask for. Besides that, life has been very good or at least above average all things considered.
Ask them how they are today and they'll tell you whole world has crumbled and we're all going to hell in a handbasket. All our freedoms are gone, the country is moving towards ruin and is taking them and us with it. Some can't even face the world today and are crying and avoiding people they love all because of the election.
Why??? What is different today in your life than yesterday was or a year ago or three years ago were? I know some people built this election up as a choice between good and evil, the future and ruin, God and the devil, but all it really was was a choice between two somewhat unappealing men who were going to be in over their heads no matter who was selected and who will get very little done of any consequence in the next four years.
I'll let you in on a little secret, in a couple of weeks your routine will be back to the same as it was before this happened and all the tears, and fears and worries won't have changed a damn thing just like yesterday really didn't change anything but the names.
All those people who hated Clinton some how survived quite nicely. Hell even the folks that hated Nixon managed to get by some how for six years didn't they? When I bought my first house under Carter, intrest rates were 24% Not 2.4, 24 percent. Remember the cold war? Probably not, but there was a time when the folks in charge of us and Russia hated each other and could have easily blown up the whole planet with one push of a button. Kennedy and Kruschev came really, really close. Kids were taught to duck under their desks in case fo nuclear explosions. (I never could understand that one, those must have been some damn tough desks). Somehow we all survived. Can you honestly say times are really worse than that now?
Worry about the things you can change. Care about the people close to you. Do what you can to change your little section of the world and the rest will take care of itself. It always has.

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