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I'll take Pot-pouri for 20 Alex

I really, really, really didn't want to get up this morning. I was all nice and comfy under the covers and it was only 51 outside and not much warmer inside.

Puppy heard the alarm and decided to become an 85 pound fluffy electric blanket. He is nice and toasty like a little doggie furnace and he wasn't all that uncomfortable like he can be sometimes. Warm and weight is better than waking up to a cold slimy dog tongue any day. We watched the weather together (because inquiring dogs want to know) and then I had to dash to get to work on time.

Apparently everybody else here felt the same way about getting up this morning. Lots of coffee is being consumed and several people have asked for today to be canceled. I vote yes!It's another busy week in the display factory. We're shipping and billing lots of stuff though so life is good.

On a totally seperate note, I spent quite a bit of time in Nawlins a few years back and if Ivan is even close to hitting there, my advice is to run. Who builds a city below sea level any way? Even the damn river s above the buildings. Hello McFly, watrer flows down... I'm sure those giant pumps work just great without power too. What do they use instead, squirrels?

Oh and if the area is destroyed, where will we get T0BASC0 sauce from? That and end of drive through frozen drink stands could ruin the society there as they know it. Of course the flooding might wipe out the urine smell on Burbon street, so that might be a plus.

There now is another one lurking out there too, Jean. That's a lousy name for a storm. Ivan sounds mean. Jean sounds like somebody's aunt. No one will evacuate for a storm named Jean, they'll probably just take up knitting, put on a pot of tea and wait.

The NEWP0RT boat show is this weekend and we have free tickets. It is supposed to rain. Good, it will keep the crowds down and we aren't afraid of no stinking rain. We have badges, um I mean foul weather gear. Sorry, my train seems to be off the track this morning. next stop, randomville. Have a super day.

Happy Humpday!


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