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Annie have you heard about this one....

You couldn't pay me to go back there again. Even though I now have the aches and pains age, and can no longer run like the wind or not care what the consequences are of life, I wouldn't go back to that age for all the money in the world.

The worries of life are still there, but now they are filtered through the pains of experience gained. The sun will come up tomorrow, or at least eventually. It always has no matter how dark the clouds get at times.

I'm not the person I once was. Every once of wisdom is accompanied by the scars of the damage that caused to to be so. Conversly, every scar is attached to a piece of wisdom, one that couldn't be earned in any other way.

Things like losing a brother at 15 and a dad the following year teaches more about compassion than all the books ever written. You don't realize things like that at the time. They just happen and you go on, or don't, but the consequences make their mark. You learn from every experience, even if it is what not to do. You learn that beaten doesn't mean broken and that broken doesn't mean irrepairable.

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