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Back on the chain gang...

Hey, guess who got a job? Here's a hint, pick me, pick me. It is that place in CT and I start Monday and to get my feet wet right off the bat, I fly to Texas Monday night to meet the folks at headquarters and get some training. I'll be back Thursday. The pay is actually a little more than I was making, the benefits are similar. The commute is an all highway easy 20 miles. Yippee

Hopefully the grapes I drank last night will not be held against me in the pee in the cup test I had to take this morning as part of the employment deal. I planned on leaving after one, but interesting stuff just started happening and I was there for a couple of hours.

First there was a sailboat stuck on the sandbar over by the channel entrance that was heeled over 30 degrees and had been there all day. Somebody finally called the fire department and they were all rushing to get out there until I told them the boat had been there since early morning. It was in so far they couldn't even get near it with their powerboat. Not good.

Then there was the guy who went to have his holding tank pumped and then left the dock without casting off his lines. Well actually, he didn't leave the dock completely, parts of it exploded and followed him along quite nicely. We did ask for them back, they were our cleats. Interesting....

I'm getting the last week of August off and we're going sailing. I can't wait. A paycheck every week will be nice too.

Later folks


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