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Wishing on a falling star, watching for the early train...

M.E. is still sick and best of all she has apparently been kind enough to pass it along to me. The drugs I take to surpress my immune system make me more easily suseptable I guess. Lucky me. I took Nyqui1 and managed to sleep and actually feel like I'll survive the day so far.

It's funny how just before I get sick I always want to eat like a pig. What's up with that? The bodies way of storing up for the storm ahead?

I have several quality issues here at work with some pretty major players in the defense industry. One is calling at 10:30 asking us to fix a problem that doesn't look to be ours. Sure.. I'll just wave my magic wand. Now where did I put that damn thing.

There are so many things I'd rather be doing than this. I use to love design stuff and problem solving was fun too. If this job ever goes away, I might consider a career change, although the difference in $$$ would be a killer. That's what keeps me plugging along, the almighty dollar. I guess it does for most of us. It would be nice to have a job that was fun again though. Sigh...

Well I have to get ready for for a meeting. Happy Tuesday all ~~~_/)

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