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Riding along on a carosel (trying to keep up with you)

Things are pretty depressing here at work. Laying people off sets a bad enough tone, but when you announce that there will be more layoffs next week, well, The uncertanty just drives everybody nuts. Not cool.

We went shopping for the food to be consumed on this weekends excursion to Block. Lasagna and baked stuffed chicken with pilaf are on the agenda as well as lots of yummy stuff that I shouldn't eat, but probably will.

I can't really trust puppy with all that stuff so it is currently in my truck and hopefully I'll get it out to the boat some time today. I also need to cancel race practice tonight. It is cold, crappy and I have a meeting. All good reasons, but in reality, any one would have done.

The boss man is on the road so today is a no stress workday. Oh yeah, I'm out of work half a day on Friday. I'd tell you the excuse I used, but then I'd have to kill you and frankly there is just too much paperwork involved in that.

Hey M, if M pulls another 17 hour day this weekend, come visit us on Block. I'll forward the details if you are interested. The forecast no actually loos pretty good, except for possible high winds on the way out. If they are from the north, then lofe will be good, southwest will suck big time.

Well, onward and upward right? Have a happy Hump day!


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