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To every thing, turn, turn, turn

I just felt like getting away for lunch, I wasn't really hungry and God Knows I can afford to skip a meal or two these days so I got into the truck and headed someplace, any place.

I ended up at the nearest state park, the one opposite the YC and decided to park the truck and go for a walk. I had soem vague plan to walk around the golf course but when i saw the new dirt road open to the right, I just had ot head into the woods dispite the beware of rabid animals sign. It was the right decision.

The ground was firm and smelled of fresh earth and leaves and there were big fat happy squirels every where. I had no idea where I was going, and when I cam to a fork in the road I took a right figuring it would be shorter until off to the left I saw the water and made a detour. Suddenly I was 30 feet above Greenwich Cove on the pant we use to hike so many years ago.

The sky was grey and the water was the color of galvanized metal and almost as still. Below I could hear the crew of the club struggling to mave a boat to a mooring and thought, it must be a launch day. In the distance, the Amtr@k metroliner wailed it's approach.

I walked past our boat sitting peacefully on the hook and past the lone shell fisherman dug oysters just over the line from the poluted/not-poluted sign. I've always wondered, how do they know?

The path hooked right past the beach, and in the distance one lone sailboat ghosted along at maybe 2 knots. It must have been peaceful out there with the bay to yourself. Down on the beach a mom and three kids scavenged for shells.

I looked at my watch and I needed to be back to the truck in 5 minutes so I tore off through the picnic tables and between the giant oaks back to where I parked. I made it back to work with one minute to spare.


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