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Leaving on a jet plane......

Well, three and a half hours until vacation. I can make it, I know I can. I had a bit of a blow out with the new boss yesterday, so the timing is perfect.

Warning, begining of rant. I won't go into the details, but it involved his lack of people skills again. at the end of all the foolishness that ensued he said he thinks I take things too serious. Well, the thing that pays the bills and allows us to eat is serious, no? Um and if you'd stop acting like a ass, life would be better for all of us. We ALL hate you. End of rant.

We are suppose to be at the airport at 4:00. We're calling a taxi because it is way cheaper than airport parking. It's just a ten minute ride and at that hour of the morning, I don't think traffic will be an issue.

I cheated on my diet last night. The hot rolls were just too much to resist. I only ate one, but then had rice with my steak tips and gravy. My dinner was free, complements of the restaurant because of my recent birthday. It was our anniversary too, so it was OK right? Hell I can rationalize with the best of them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do on Vacation. There's lots to eat in Vegas. We'll see.

Mom called and one of my great aunts died. She has to be in her 90's. The funeral is Saturday. She isn't happy I'm not going. I suppose she'd rather I cancel my trip, lose all my money and be miserable for a couple of hours instead. Not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent at this juncture... We'll send a card and Larry and Rachel will understand.

So this is probably the last entry for a week or so. I hope life treats everybody well (especially you M)and try to survive while I'm gone OK?

Later world, I am out...

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