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I went to the desert with a horse with no name

Why do I get myself into these things. I'm involved in the most boring project in the history of man. We are re-writing the bylaws of the YC. Now that in itself is enough to take the blush of anybody's rose, but with the folks that are involved, it is pretty much unbearable.

Imagine a committee made of lawyers, professors, people witrh way too much time on their hands and one lowly engineer. These are people that will argue placement of a comma for 20 minutes and then they wonder why we've been working on this for a year?

The chief protagonist is a woman who literally had a restraing order placed on her by the local PTA because she would not go away. Her and her husband are the poster people for the I have no life movement. She will talk, and talk and talk and talk... well, you get the picture. To top this off, she has problems breathing and sounds like Darth V@der. A coincidence? I think not.

Well last night was the worst. She has shingles and is on pain killer which are making her dopey. This is a point she makes every five minutes, but surprisingly does nothing to shut her up. At times, she doesn't have a clue what she is saying, and doesn't remember what point she is trying to make, and yet she solders on, trying to make it. What a trooper huh? Sigh...

Hopefully there will only be two more meetings before we are done. The last one will be to discuss grammer only. Um, I think I'll be sick for that one.

I need a vacation badly, only nine more days. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

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