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On to the heart of the sunrise

Extra hugs from M.E. and puppy, three glasses of merlot, a lousy nights sleep and here I am back on the job, raring to go. We'll I'm here anyway and apparently still able to write run on sentences with the best of them.

I've calmed down quite a bit. I'm not going to start a fight, not going to quit without notice. I'm be a good little boy and see how things play out. I like it here and it's close to home and the company should be here a while. I need the paycheck is the biggest reason though. If money were no object I'd still be sleeping or watching the Hist0ry Channel with puppy.

Hell, perhaps I'll even win and big boss will see he made a mistake? It's not likely, I never win at anything but racing. Hmmm, perhaps that's why I take such good care of my boat? Dispite what I just wrote above, I'm still going to update the resume just in case. TGIF...

It's funny, after all these years I think I'd be happier doing something with my hands or something people related than doing this technical stuff. If I can get this down just because of one idiot boss, maybe it is time for a change? Maybe the degree of change from friendly and fun to draconian is the reason it feels so wrong. Change is always difficult, change for the worse is the worst. And to think I recommended the guy....

Except for the endless hours and lack of a paycheck, I liked boat sales. Dealing with peole and boats were a super combination. I didn't even mind the complaining ones. I've always been good at dealing with that type. ]

I once applied to be a support person for a remote underwater ROV. It would have been a major paycut, but it sounded like so much fun. Regional rep for a boat company would also be an ideal position. Those jobs are as rare as hens teeth so that is a major pipe dream I guess. Still, I'll keep my ears open. One never knows.

The idiot is outside the office gates so I must go. Happy Friday world!


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