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We got to get out of this place.....

Girl there's better life for me and you.

When a new guy comes in and threatens to fire three of the 6 senior staff (including me) within his first two weeks, this does not make a good first impression. Oh he tries to undo the damage after he sees what it has caused, but that cow (fit better than horse) is out of the barn, no?

He asks for stuff and when you give him what he asks for, you get in trouble. Don't you know what he really wanted? Surely it wasn't that even if he was pretty specific last week. Well, things have changed. Damn, why didn't I take that mind reading course?

The magic question, should I try to wait him out, or jump at the first chance? I definately plan tell big boss when he asks my opinion. That may be burning a bridge, but hell it is collapsing under us anyway.

Too bad, the rest of the staff gets along so well, but it only takes one bad apple, right Michael? At the time we didn't know we were talking about yourself.

I'm going to have to update the resume, just in case. God I hate this. Is it wrong to pray for bad things to happen to bad people? Yeah I guess it is.

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