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The crystal ship, is being filled...

The first thing I told the new boss when he came on is that we are drowing in paperwork. I have no time to fix the real problems because my engineer and I spend all day doing reports and tabulating data. He decided to fix this by adding another huge report that will take several hour to compile. This is what happens when you hire a consultant to be a manager.

I'm going to give this an honest shot. Hell, the first 6 months here were great and now it is all going to hell because of one incompetent who rose to the wrong level. When big boss asks my opinion, I'm going to tell him the truth. It might not be a good political move, but it is necessary. Sigh....

My stomach has been bothering me and I may have to look into the surgery I've been putting off. To be honest, going under the knife, even for a minor procedure scares me. Dispite all my ailments and broken stuff, I've never actually spent a night in a hospital. I'd sort of like to keep it that way if at all possible.

13 days until splash... I can't wait to be floating again. Even just sitting below with the heat on changes things so much. I plan on wet sanding tonight after work. Yes Outfoxed, please feel free to bring your power tools. YOu and the fam will have to come up and play sometime. Narrag@nsett Bay is absolutely beautiful in the summer.

Oh yeah, the bank called. Remember a while back when M.E's bank card got hacked? Well apparently they should have canceled mine too because somebody tried to withdraw $400 on it yesterday. Now it is cancelled and I won't have a new one until Friday or Saturday. UGH!!! We have direct deposit so that's the only easy way to get money.

We've decided to go back to mostly writing checks. It just seems safer. By we I mean M.E. I usually write checks anyway. The float you know... better the money be in my account than theirs untill absolutely necessary.

We back to my reports. Happy Humpday all.



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