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Candles in the wind

Some Irish protestants celebrated St Pattys day by blowing up a night club, killing several people. On a lighter note, those wacky Iraqui's celebrated the anniversary of the war to remove Saddam by car bombing a hotel killing 20 innocent people.

I think Spain has it right, we should all just surrender to the terrorists and give them what they want. Hmm, and just what is that? Why to kill all of us infidels. Hmmm, I'm going to have to rethink that solution. New motto, Spain, we're not France, but close enough?

The only good thing about all of this? Al Queda folks are flooding into Iraq and every one that our army kills or that blows themselves up is one less that will fly an airplane into a building here. sigh...

The sun was out but it was snowing here again this morning. I did not see a snowbow.

M.E. got called in twice last night. Once just after she had just fallen asleep and a second time right after she got home from the first. She never did make it home from the second trip. It was just as well, the roads were crap from all the snow and ice.

Puppy and I never really got to sleep after the second time the pager went off. Worry will do that to you. So we're both kind of draggy this morning, the major difference? He gets to sleep all day, I have to work to buy him kibble. Ahhh a dogs life.

Ken and I went out last night scouting places to watch the NCAA tourny Friday night. We found one that was just right, decent drink prices, 4 big screens, good food and best of all they took a reservation. Yippee!!!

See I'm trying to end on a positive note. That's good right? And there is good news, I am supposed to get my check from the evil ex employer tomorrow. $$$$$ My new #2 headsail is ready to be picked up Saturday too. Oh and the insurance I picked up on the microwave has decided to buy out the contract for the cost of a new microwave. The old one still works so that's play money for us. See all good things. Now just make it stop snowing OK?



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