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I am a rock I am an island...

Well, it doesn't look like we are all going to jail. The telecom went way better than I anticipated and we are all on the same page. We're not out of the woods yet, but I can see it from here. We just need to supply some more test data from stuff in process, then confirm the diagnosis and hope that nothing unexpected comes up.

I feel like a 400 pound weight has been lifted off my chest. Even though this wasn't my problem, I'm responsible for cleaning up the mess. Isn't that the story of my life? Why yes it is.

It isn't always easy being the one people rely on to fix their problems. It's always been like that, complete strangers will tell me their life's stories. I've always been the shoulder everyone leans on when it hits the fan. The fam, the ex, fix us please and oh can you do it in a hurry? Sigh...

Even rocks eventually wear down, ask the O1d Man in the mounta1n. Huge rocks brough down by simple cracks. Ahh, but water, water makes rocks smooth... This is a good thing.

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