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Why don't they have DOG scans too?

I just got a call from my new doctor. It wasn't from from somebody from the office, it was from the doctor herself. That's never a good sign right? We talked for a bit and it seems that all the bloodwork I did a week or so ago came in and most of it is fine, most but not all. My liver enzymes are messed up.

She asked about all the medications I had been on, a few like Met0trexate are liver toxic. It was making me really sick so I stopped taking it even though the last quack doctor still tried a few times to get me back on it. She was more concerned with the cash than the patient and that's why I dumped her. I don't think I ever had a full test after I stopped the last time. Who knew?

Well, I guess she was concerned enough to call my primary physician. Because I was so sick at Christmas, they want to do another set of blood tests to rule that out. That would be the simple route. Pass this time and life is good. If I flunk however, it is CAT scan time. Man, do I ever dread that. They'll have to give me serious calming down meds for me to survive being tied down in a tube.

I guess I'm going to go get the retest done tomorrow. I might as well get it over with. Good thing I haven't had alcohol in almost two weeks now huh? Keep your fingers crossed.


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