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Will the woman with the grill on her hand....

I've been trying to add an entry all morning, but apparently the servers have been busy. I not sure what they have been busy doing, video poker perhaps?

I managed another commando dumpster raid last night and again disposed of basement construction debris without being detected. Perhaps I should have had a career in the CIA? They wouldn't let me in the Maf I a. Whay can't we be friends... oops, bad 70's flashback. Sorry....

It's quiet here at work, too quiet. It's tough to get motivated when it is like this. I keep looking at the clock. I'm working half a day tomorrow and then will go into serious cooking for 30 mode. I still have to pick up several bottles of grapes and a P0WERBALL ticket too. A captains work is never done.

A friend had to call 911 because she got her finger caught in the back of a Ge0rge F0reman Grill. They sent a fire truck with the jaws of life. This is a bit of overkill no? They did manage to get her out and no grills were damaged or fireman hurt. Phew...

Well back to work kiddies. Have a wonderful Tuesday and don't forget to write.... well, if the servers are up that is.



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