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If I survive

Sorry for the lack of entries. I'm living on NYQU1L and lots and lots of sleep. It's been a good plan so far except for the whole family coming over tonight for dinner. Of course I'm too stubborn to cancel, so I'll muddle through.

I get damn bronchitis every year it seems and have to watch it closely because pneumonia has been in the cards way too often. Not being able to breath is got to be the worst thin in the world. It just drains all your systems.

I have so much to do, but all I really want to do is go back to bed.... so I guess I will.... for a while.

Any way, please don't take it personal if I don't sign your guestbooks with holiday wishes. You are all in my very scrambled antihistimine confused thoughts.

So hopefully this will do...

Happy Holidays, hmmm, sounds too PC How about MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yeah, thats sounds better, sniffle, hack, cough... Later world.


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