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I am a mess. MY head hurts, my voice is completely shot and my stomach is rolling merrily along to it's own drummer. I wish I could blame it on the three Christmas parties or even the basketball game, but no, it is just garden variety pre-Christmas plague.

I really should have stayed in bed this morning, and returning there is still seriously an option. Puppy would be happy, I'd be warm, and hopefully by tomorrow I'd feel better. It's tough to get old.

M.E. has decided that the day after Christmas, the tree from hell gets ejected out the door. I'm pretty much in agreement. It has to go.... Puppy also votes yea. He won't even get near the damn thing any more. Even he knows it is evil. I can see why the Druids worshiped them, fear, it had to be fear.

I really need hot coffee for my throat, but it probably is a bad decision for the stomach. Blah... hmm, soup might be good, except soup is not an option. Sigh.... Did I mention my voice is completely gone. Well that's not entirely true, I can croak some. It isn't pleasent sounding and it hurts but with all the phone calls I get, it is the only option. Life sucks then you croak.

Ah well, I hope everybody else is having a better Monday.

Later world....


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