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Poop poo pe do

An uneasy middle east type truce seems to have enveloped the house. I suspect that both my renegade tree and I are both too tired for a repeat of yesterdays performance. Will the ceasefire last until the big day? We'll just have to see I guess.

Puppy though is still having problems with all of this. Apparently yesterdays scare has caused a major problem with his system and I had to clean the rug three times last night. Of course it could be because of the box of self stick labels he ate a couple of days ago. Bad puppy, bad, bad, bad.

The new boat cusions came out great and I got to play surburban dumpster commando again last night and disposed of a good chunk of the cheapo paneling from hell in the YC dumpster. I even managed to look nonchallent as the YC manager drove by. Just checking out the boat Bruce, not filling up the dumpster with fake sort of wood looking stuff. I plan on working in the basement again tonight. Not much time left and still plenty to do. Hey, maybe I should get Bob Vi11a to come over and do this old basement? Except his projects seem to take forever. I'll just do it myself after I make another pot of home made chicken soup. I'm a regular fricken renesance man, no? Happy Tuesday world! Only five more working days till Christmas.

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