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Wow, my 900th entry... Who would have thought it. I suppose I should have something profound to say, but as usual, I don't. Just the usual drivel and ramblings of somebody who's life is like a leaf in a stream. I just go where the current takes me.

You can try to swim upstream, but look what that does to salmon. They strive and use every bit of energy they have to reach the place where they were born and when they reach their ultimate goal in life, they spawn and die.

I watched the Jimmy V speach again the other night. He was a basketball coach dying of cancer and knew it. The speach was televised and as he was going along, some producer said he had thirty seconds left to speak. Jimmy turned to him and said, I have tumors all over my body and you're telling me I have to stop in 30 seconds? He laughed and kept right on talking. I wonder if he was as brave when the lights were out and he was alone. Probably...

A local woman dove into a freezing river yesterday to rescue a woman who's car had gone off the road. When I was in college, a professor asked who would do a similar thing and just about everybody raised their hand. I didn't... When he asked my why, I was truthful, while we'll all say that we would would do something heroic, we'll honestly never know until we are put in that situation. Maybe I would, maybe not, so it isn't fair to say yes. He nodded his head. When a girl argued that she would definately do it, he told her to sit down. Ron's right he said, you'll never know until it happens.

There were dozens of people on that riverbank. Several construction workers stood by and yet only one person, a slim modest looking woman risked it all to save another life. I hope I'm never tested like that but if I am, I hope I pass. I wonder if doctors ever get bored saving lives?

I was like a salmon once and all it got me was beaten down. Now going with the flow, I'm not as productive, but mostly happy and I'll hopefully survive. At least I'll enjoy the view.

Happy 900th entry to me...

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