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Three dead mice

The meeting I went to last night was one of thouse where you just want to stab yourself in the eye with a pencil, just to make it end. If I had one cinderblock, one dock, one rope and one chance to push somebody into the ocean, it would be the secretary of this board. She NEVER SHUTS UP. We argued for an hour on the wording of one stupid sentance. UGH.... Why do I volunteer for this crap.

I need to try and sneak out to get a haircut today. I also need to buy gag gifts for the Christmas party I have to go to on Saturday. I also apparently need a nap because I keep yawning.

That is probably the result of the freaking damn mice in my attic taking what sounds like tap dancing lessons at four in the morning. This is war rodents. Apparently the trap um one at a time method isn't putting the fear of Ron into them so as Emeril would say, lets kick it up a notch.

Hmm, how about a little fire scarecrow? Oops, overly dramatic... Some mouse bait in on the attic door, will have to do I guess. Did you know that stuff is basicly the same blood thinners they give to people with bad hearts? Those little bastards better have an AED around, because they are going down. Nobody messes with my sleep. End of rant. We now return to our regularly scheduled boring entry.

I bought a thermometer yesterday and my office varied between 60 and 67 degrees during the course of the day. Being an engineer, I think I'll plot this in excel for a while to present to the facilities guy for Christmas. Maybe if I am in a seriously evil mood I'll put it in my management report... Hahahahaha Ok, probably not, see what lack of sleep can do?

Have a good Thursday world.(Ames, I fixed this for you :-)


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