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One, two, three Marlainas

It has to be a record, three doctors in one afternoon. I phone screened the first guy pretty carefully because I didn't want to waste my time. He was almost right on time, but old, not a good sign. By the time we had talked for five minutes, we knew that I knew more about my problems and potential remedys than he did. Traditional treatments just don't cut it for me. Once he realized that, we moved on.

At least he didn't charge me and did recommend me to a Doctor down the hall who can attack things from the angle I'm looking for. I don't want relief from the symptoms, I want a fix. The new doc uses Embre1 and that worked nicely in the trial I was on. The old doc doesn't like anything that he doesn't have 20 years hsitory on.

I had to wait a half hour to find out I couldn't get in until January. Sigh...

As for doctor #3, well I decided to use the rest of the afternoon trying to get a flu shot. Place number 1 was out of them, place #2 had a 2 hour wait, so I called my doctor and he said come on. I did and was in and out in five minutes. Nice...

So I took puppy out and then went to the YC to drink red grapes with Neil. I'm nothing if not productive, right? M.E. came down after work and I took her out for food and managed to spill half a glass of red all over the freaking place. Blah... When it gets cold my coordination goes to hell. I'm really starting to hate winter (well, except for the snow days :-)

Well off to a meeting, perhaps I'll write more later. Have a happy Tuesday.


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