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Choppa da tree

UGh, there is a foot of snow forecast for the weekend and I definately am not ready. I called the service place yesterday to see about getting the snow blower put on the tractor and the guy just laughed. Then after a bit of discussion, he said he might be by today. Keep your fingers crossed because I have no clue how this thing works. There are lots of little parts and I've never even seen it in snow mode. Sigh...

I'm thinking I'm probably going to cut down the Christmas tree tonight. I'd rather do it before everything is a foot deep in the white stuff. We'll see....

The basement is really starting to come together. The area that I have done actually looks better than the upstairs (well if you don't look really close). M.E. scored a 20" TV for down there for only $100 and I'm going to hook up the cable down there tonight.

I think we'll go out for dinner and maybe the Club tonight. My arms and back and hell most of me is pretty sore because of laying on the tile, lugging plywood and mostly because of the weather. Blah! Mo, if you think 26 is tough, wait until you hit 40+ everything goes to hell except your mind and sometimes I wonder about that.

But, it is Friday and I don't have any plans except for a dozen people coming over tomorrow to watch the basketball game. Sunday I'll listen to the Pats and panel, I need to get it all done before our big New Years extravaganza. Have a great day folks.



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