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Love is like popsicles.......

My beautiful new office has the climate control of a a meat locker. You can have any temperature you want as long as it is in the cold storage range. There are times when I swear the AC is on. This is not a good thing when it is 19 degrees out. The plant in my window i sshowing signs of frostbite. Not good...

I can't complain too much though, the factory has bigger problems. There it is too dry and static is death when trying to make little bitty electronic components. On a scale of one to ten, this problem is an eleven. SO I have a sweater and a lab coat and perhaps later, my real coat. Sigh....

My new paneling came in last night and I got one wall torn out and redone. It looks good, but will look super when I get the trim up to smooth out all the rough edges. I am the paneling king. I worked until well after 10:00 and my back is letting me know that some of the positions I was in were a bad idea. It's tough to get old... and cold... and mold.

Tonight I'll make a big pot of chicken soup. I've been dying for some lately. Mine has lots of stuff in it, more like a stew I guess. Some fresh bread I guess will be a necessity too.

Puppy will not get any. He is on my bad dog list these days. Three days in a row he has run out in the street at 7:00 am. I have to get dressed and drag his sorry ass back in the house. This is not a good way to start my day. This morning he got a couple of good swats on the butt and no doggie treats. Hopefully he'll wise up, I'm not going to do that crap in the snow.

I got a bunch of congratulatory emails from the head honchos about passing our audit. One will be here next week. I suppose with only being here two months, that it is too early to apply for the open plant managers job huh? I thought so. Have a happy Thursday world and if you get a chance, wish Weezer1d a happy birthday!


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