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Cable guy

Just a quick one while waiting for the cable guy to put in the new high speed modem. We had a an OK Thanksgiving even though M.E and I weren't feeling all that well. Life goes on.

Yesterday was productive, I found somebody to cover the boat cushions, bought 20 sheets of panelling for $5 a sheet less than L0WES with free delivery and got a check for $285 from the consignment shop for a wheel that I got for free when closing down an old plant. Oh yeah, a nice dinner with friends last night.

Tonight we have a basketball game and I might work on the boat. We'll see, it is blowing at least snot right now and has to be close to six bells of shit on the Johnny the Chin wind scale. At least the sun is out.

Oh, almost forgot, I got the Christmas lights up yesterday too. We look like a mini La Sallette (fameous local place for lights). I think I'll cut our tree next week. Man I am so not ready for Christmas.

Well gotta dash, happy Saturday World and Mo, if anything ever happens to me, I want you to give my eulogy. That was beautiful.. Later

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