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Aligators everywhere

Work up the wazoo. Only two weeks until the audit and the system here is messed up, possibly beyond repair. I have reports to do, audits to get done, problems to fix. Sigh...

I put the fear of god in them this morning. People shortcutting the system... We deal with medical and the government, jobs lost, suspensions and really big fines are all potential outcomes. Some had no clue. This will not happen on my watch.

I did 3 1/2 miles to nowhere last night and felt good afterward. M.E. and I have a dinner date tonight. I stil haven't cheated on my diet so someplace healthy will be good. Then down to the boat. 55 knot winds predicted so prudence is in order. It also should be fun to watch.

This will bring down the few last leaves left I guess so the weekend dictates more and hopefully the last of the leave removal effort. I need ot get some boat stuff done too. A week and a half until haulout. :-(

Christmas carols on the radio already? Shoot me now....

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