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874 enties about nothing

Wow, this is my 874th entry. Who would have thought I'd still be here. I'm not sure why I am. I've thought of just closing it down at times, but I never do.

There are 48 people who list me as a favorite and most of those like carrster my newest) just stumbled through and decided to stay. Weird... There are lots of much better and more interesting reads here and I always wonder what makes people stay. Even though I wonder, le me say that it is appreciated.

I think perhaps I stay here because of the well wishes when things are bad and the congratulations when things are good, the friendship when I'm lonely and and the support when I'm looking for a job, again... Perhaps it is because lending a shoulder to lean/cry on is has always something that came natural, a gift from my mom.

Did you know I originally started writing every day when I lived alone on the boat? I had so many friends who were afraid I wouldn't survive that winter that they made me promise to send out a note every morning so that they'd know I survived the night. Kind of a sad reason, but old habits are hard to break I guess.

Well any way, thanks to those who have been around for a while and thanks to those who haven't. I hope everybody has a wonderful afternoon and a super rest of their lives.


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